IMAGINE how would you feel if you knew you could skillfully handle anything that life threw at you!

Photo by GEORGE DESIPRIS from Pexels
Learn to Ride the Wave – Join the AT-Ease Discovery Center – Explore and Restore your Body-Brain Balance
The AT-Ease Discovery Center is the place for you if
- you love learning
- you enjoy laughing
- you like to have fun
- you can tolerate not knowing
- you understand learning new skills isn’t always comfortable
- you’re ready to welcome what will be
- you’re willing to let go of what has been
- you want to connect with others on this learning journey
Join the AT-Ease Discovery Center Now and learn simple methods for achieving body-brain balance in life and work.
What can you expect more of when you join AT-Ease Discovery Center?
Fun – Learning – Peace of Mind – Laughter – Joy – Easiness
By using this simple method for balancing your body-brain, you’ll have more energy, be able to adjust smoothly to the ups and downs at work and home, and you’ll get more done with less effort every day!
Whether you need to manage a difficult discussion with an employee, want to ask for a raise, or deliver a major presentation this method will give you the tools to communicate clearly and effectively in each of these situations.
You’ll be able to sleep better using this technique before bed. If you happen to wake in the night, it will help you fall back to sleep quickly.
If your joints are feeling stiff or you’ve noticed your balance is off, using these skills you’ll be able to move with more freedom.
Recent students say:
“I literally had a new perspective – I am a couple inches taller! It feels like I’ve been able to straighten out my pelvis with some easy walking. It also feels like I’m using some new leg muscles! My mood/outlook has been much improved!” ~ Mary B
“…your message to breathe with ease yesterday came to me at just the right time. I stopped, smiled and took a couple of minutes for a quick scan. Thank you!” ~ Sharon B
“I’ve been doing it! Intermittently, but it’s really helping so far when I feel overwhelm.” ~ Jalyn L
Feeling stressed, anxious, frustrated, and pressured?
Would you like to learn to manage stress, anxiety, frustration, and pressure in a way that gives you more energy instead of draining you?
The AT-Ease Discovery Center will provide you with tools and skills from the Alexander Technique that you can use to get more done with less effort.
You’ll be able to sleep better, communicate more effectively, and move with more freedom.
“I started with doing the cycle at night. All I know is that it works like I am on anesthesia counting back from 100. It’s like I get to 98 and I am gone! LOL By the 2nd finger I lose count/track and am gone!” ~Monifa E
In the online classes we practice simple structures to implement this new easy way of thinking.
“You explain it so well and make it so simple!!” ~Celia R
“I love what you do and how it’s so simple to do yet has such a powerful impact!” ~Alice A
Who is AT-Ease Discovery Center for?
Monthly Easiness Support is brilliant for anyone!
But membership in AT-Ease Discovery Center is specifically for you if…
- Like to laugh
- Love learning
- Are willing to have fun
- Curious to the point that NOT knowing keeps you awake
- Understand learning new skills isn’t always comfortable
- And, are ready to let go of what has been to make room for what will be!
Let’s get this journey started so you can “ease on down” the road of life
I believe support for living easier should be available to anyone, so have put together several packages ~ which one is right for you?
Sign-up below – pick the plan that works best for you. You can always change your schedule depending on your needs & how much change you want in your life.
Body-Brain Balance practice often produces a sense of physical relaxation – this is the body’s response to letting go of excess tensing. I often speak of it as meditation in action – we can notice easiness in any activity from thinking to weightlifting.
Why Work with Laura
Laura loves to teach and to help others discover how to live with joy and easiness.
Monifa: I have been doing TheCycle (developed by Mio Morales) and even more so, I have been examining my relationship to ‘ease’ in all ways.
Laura incorporates over 30 years of movement knowledge. Beginning with her desire to perform and teach better as a professional dancer/choreographer (ballet and modern dance) Laura has completed training in Cranio-sacral work, energy healing-work, somatics, psychology, the Alexander Technique and Movement Fundamentals. She has incorporated what she’s learned to create the Body-Brain Balance Method.
Laura has been teaching since 1980, and has taught Alexander Technique since 1992, privately, in community classes, and at the university level. In addition to intensives with Marjory Barstow, Donnelly trained extensively with Mio Morales who studied with Frank Pierce Jones and Marjory Barstow. (Barstow was the first Alexander Technique teacher trained by founder FM Alexander, Jones was trained by FM Alexander and AR Alexander) Laura works with business owners, athletes, performers, therapists, and dancers as they incorporate the Easiness into their lives and work. Laura completed her Movement Fundamentals certification with Jane Hawley.
Donnelly, MFA Theatre Arts/Dance – University of Arizona, toured throughout the U.S. and Europe as professional dancer performing ballet, modern and historical dance. She has taught dance in universities, public schools, and private studios.
What can you expect more of when you join AT-Ease Discovery Center?
Fun – Learning – Peace of Mind – Laughter – Joy
Join NOW to begin your journey to create your joyful, easy, and balanced life!
Membership Options
Ongoing online group classes
1-hour group class 4 sessions/month; cost $120/month
Two class times to choose from:
Mondays, 7:30 p.m. CDT; online via Zoom
Mondays, 9:30 a.m. CDT; online viz Zoom – open to all but this time is best for people in European time zones!
- Sign-up for an annual commitment (12-month series billed monthly at $100/month saves $20/month) (equals 2 months free over the year).
- All classes happen online using the free Zoom platform.
- Includes a link to videos of each class posted on a private site so people can see their progress and have a guide for practicing exercises.
- If people miss class, they can review the video to make-up the session.
- Includes a private Facebook discussion group AT-Ease Discovery Center for questions between sessions, and helpful tips, blog posts, and updates.
- Study guides for tracking practice and progress; includes journal prompts.
- For anyone signed up for the ongoing group classes I will schedule 1:1 sessions for special issues as needed for $75/session (anticipate max. 2/mo).
1 to 1 online sessions
1 hour each, 4 sessions/month; cost $380/month
- Sign-up for a 3-month series/billed monthly & receive a $20 discount/month. (save $60 over 3 months)
- (I can schedule a maximum of 8 of these per month)
- All sessions happen online using the free Zoom platform.
- Includes a link to videos of each session posted on a private site so people can see their progress and have a guide for practicing exercises.
- Study guides for tracking practice and progress; includes journal prompts.
- Includes an invitation to one group session/month.