The Blog
Latest News & PerspectivesThe Right Way vs. the Wrong Way to Manage Your Mind
Many people are talking about mindfulness these days. The definition I like is from "a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily...
You Can’t Change the Past — Oh Yes, You Can!
Read on a little before you say “Not possible!” It’s 1975, my senior year in high school. My mom drives me to school every morning because we only have one car. I cross the street, walk across the front entry, climb three steps, approach the bank of six doors, and...
A little Ease for my friends Enmeshed in Grading
For many involved in formal education the end of the school term is here along with the pressure to complete the dreaded “final grades.” Having returned to my normal “learning all the time” and “test by practical application” schedule, I’ve begun to observe some...
When Something Outside Us Breaks Our Habits
Today I was talking with a friend about unraveling patterns and she lamented that she needed a few new routines to help her focus and create more order in her life. My friend resigned from a job she’d had for 23 years about 10 months ago. She’d been less than...
Breaking Habits or Unwinding Patterns
How often have you identified a “bad” habit, something you wanted to stop doing? Almost everyone has started a new year with a list of resolutions, many of which are aimed at changing something that had been identified as undesirable. How often have these resolutions...
The Dance of Life
One of many things I love about dance is that it surprises me. The same is true of life. When you dance, things don't stay the same. Dance is a balance of movement and stillness, changing weight from one body part to another. Sometimes you miss the beat, early or...
How Gratefulness Promotes Ease
This post was published on a personal branding site. I didn't want to just copy and paste it here so am trying to link out to it. The post focuses on how understanding how we feel determines the way our bodies move - either freely or without ease....